
Senora, senora

Can I get a dollar

To get a booze and a lay

At least I am being honest

And that should count for something


Senora, senora

Can I get a dollar

Don’t flash me a smile

In  place of tossing four quarters

Hunger is not a laughing point


Senora, senora

Can I get a dollar

Don’t say you gave one yesterday

I’ve got to ask once again

Eaten dough is soon forgotten


Senora, senora

Can I get a dollar

What’s it worth to you anyway

The lotto you played last week

Is like seeds planted on a rock


Senora, senora

Can I get a dollar

I know you have your views of me

Consider this one issue though

The hardest job there is is this





Thank you atrangizindagieksafar for nominating me for another 3-Days-3-Quotes challenge. Above is my entry for day 3.

These are the rules of the challenge:

  1. Three quote for three days.
  2. Three nominees each day (no repetition).
  3. Thank the person who nominated you.
  4. Inform the nominees.

These wonderful blogs are my nominees for today: beholdinghimministries Living and Learning Promising Words

Image link
Photo credit
Quote via Cultural Weekly

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