Rough Edges

The cock crows at dawn

telling you to get attached

Your bladder nudges

yelling it’s time to let go

The difference

between the two

is just as knotty

as your next poker move

The contrast is set

in concrete

evoking smiles and heartaches

Don’t learn nothing

from the past

All your valuable lessons

Are molded

into this moment







37 thoughts on “Rough Edges

  1. This is wonderful, Gbolabo. Thank you! I love the focus on detachment and being in the here and now. I’m hosting An Evening of Gratitude, and there’s a quote that comes to mind when I read this poem, and also your About page. It’s by my spiritual mentor John-Roger. See below.

    Happy New Year to you. I really enjoyed this poem – and the photo.

    “Gratitude is a choice, an attitude, an approach towards life. My gratitude for this moment does not depend on what is going on in this moment; it is the moment, regardless of what is going on, that I am grateful for. My gratitude for this breath is not about the breath. It’s that I am breathing, that I recognize it comes from a higher source, and that I am alive. Gratitude is a moment-to-moment celebration.”
    ~John-Roger, DSS

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ho Debbie, Happy New Year to you! This quote you shared with me is of immense value. I truly appreciate it especially because I have been exploring the concept of gratitude lately. I will treasure the quote. Thank you so much!


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