
The war has long been over

Yet the battle rages on

Like virulent phages on a clover

The captives have all been freed

Our children keep needing their heroes

Our backs keep kneading the linens

Our arms keep pleading  for warmth

Our husbands keep speeding away from home

They have found new love in  hate

Campaigning for more combats

They have chosen the art of protests

Fighting to resurrect the conflicts

They’re ensnared  by mental armory

And fences they raised in their heads

They breed a pride of defiance

And though the war be over

The freed decline to be unyoked

The children are yearning for heroes

Our backs are cold from waiting


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19 thoughts on “Dissidents

  1. Sometimes I’m afraid I’m not doing enough, pressured not only by government but by those that virulently react to its impositions. Hmm. I’ll just decide in the end to be at home with my daughters and learn the hard way about love and sacrifice and how to be alive and present. It may not be so inspiring to the overbearing and emphatic, but nothing else quite like it strengthens the soul and affirms the spirit.


      1. You’re welcome and thank you as well. You are definitely one of my biggest supporters and i always appreciate your kind words. I hope you left a comment under my new post! 💗💗


  2. Wow… this poem brought back the images I saw recently from the film Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, about people needing heroes and choosing protest and having to sacrifice so much. Impactful words. Thank you. ~ P ~


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